Trackon’s Objective and Significance

This policy’s fundamental aim is to guarantee that every individual receives an equal chance to maximize their potential and talents. At Trackon Couriers Pvt Ltd, we assess applications based on merit, selecting the most qualified candidate based on relevant criteria for the role. Our human resource practices are anchored in the merit principle, fostering trust, integrity, collaboration, and authenticity. We embrace diversity within our teams, treat others with respect, and acknowledge our role in executing government policy. As an equal opportunity employer, Trackon Couriers Pvt Ltd values the contributions of our employees, understanding that our success hinges on effectively utilizing their talents.

Applicability and Qualification

This policy is relevant to all current and prospective employees of Trackon Couriers Pvt Ltd.

Trackon Policy Details

Trackon Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) encompasses employment practices that are structured to ensure that current and potential employees have fair chances in competing for and being awarded jobs, promotions, transfers, training, and other employment-related benefits based on their merits.

These practices are free from unethical biases including, but not limited to, factors like sex, race, color, national origin, age, marital status, physical, mental, or intellectual disability, sexual orientation or transgender status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, family responsibilities, parental or carer status, trade union membership, or union activity, and religious or political beliefs.

Responsibilities of Employees

Employees must adhere to the EEO policy, treat all colleagues and customers with respect, avoiding discrimination based on irrelevant criteria. They are also required to inform their manager promptly if there is a potential or actual breach of the EEO policy.

Managerial Responsibilities

Managers are tasked with ensuring EEO principles and related legislation are implemented in the workplace. They must make decisions regarding appointments, promotions, and career development based solely on an individual’s ability to perform the job. Managers are responsible for fostering an environment that supports equal employment opportunities, setting an example through their behavior, considering and providing reasonable accommodations when necessary, and making the team aware of Trackon Couriers Pvt Ltd’s EEO policy.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Non-adherence to this policy may result in disciplinary action by Trackon Couriers Pvt Ltd, in line with the Managing Performance and Behavior Policy.

Understanding Discrimination

Discrimination happens when a person is treated less favorably than others due to a protected attribute or characteristic under legislation. It can be either direct or indirect. Indirect discrimination occurs when a seemingly equal condition or practice unfairly disadvantages individuals with a certain characteristic and is not justifiable under the circumstances.