
What is Trackon Courier Consignment/AWB Numbers?

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to track our shipments has become a necessity. Whether you’re eagerly awaiting an online purchase or managing a business’s logistics, having a reliable tracking system is crucial. Trackon Courier Tracking, a prominent logistics company, employs a sophisticated tracking system with unique consignment and Air Waybill (AWB) numbers. In this article, we’ll delve into the significance of these numbers, where to find them, their formats, and the distinction between consignment and AWB numbers.

Consignment and AWB Numbers

Before we explore the intricacies of Trackon consignment and AWB numbers, let’s grasp the fundamental concepts behind them. A consignment number is a unique identifier assigned to a specific shipment. It serves as a reference point for both the sender and the recipient to track the package’s journey. On the other hand, an Air Waybill (AWB) number is a specific type of consignment number used primarily in air freight. It is crucial for air cargo shipments, acting as a receipt issued by an international airline for goods and an agreement between the shipper and the carrier.

Where to Find Trackon Courier Consignment/AWB Numbers

Locating your Trackon consignment or AWB number is the first step in ensuring you can monitor your shipment effectively. Here are the common places where you can find these numbers:

  1. Shipping Confirmation Email: If you’ve made a purchase online and selected Trackon as your shipping carrier, check your shipping confirmation email. The consignment or AWB number is often included in the tracking information provided by the seller.
  2. Order Confirmation Page: After completing an online purchase, the order confirmation page may display the consignment or AWB number along with other relevant shipping details. Make sure to take note of this information for future tracking.
  3. Receipt or Invoice: In a physical store or when shipping items independently, the consignment or AWB number may be printed on the receipt or invoice provided to you. Keep these documents handy for easy reference.
  4. Trackon Website or App: Visit the official Trackon website or use their mobile app to track your shipment. You can enter your consignment or AWB number in the tracking section to get real-time updates on your package’s status and location.

Consignment/AWB Trackon Number Format

Trackon consignment and AWB numbers follow a specific format, making them easily recognizable. Understanding this format can help you input the correct information when tracking your shipment. Here is a breakdown of the Trackon consignment and AWB number formats:

  1. Consignment Number Format:
  • It typically consists of 9 to 15 alphanumeric characters.
  • The first three characters represent the service code.
  • The remaining characters are a unique identifier for your shipment.
  1. AWB Number Format:
  • An AWB number is a 11-digit numeric code.
  • The first three digits represent the airline code.
  • The next eight digits are the unique identifier for your air cargo shipment.

Being familiar with these formats ensures that you enter the correct information when tracking your shipment, reducing the chances of errors.

Difference Between Consignment and AWB Numbers

While consignment and AWB numbers serve the same purpose of tracking shipments, there are key differences between the two:

  1. Mode of Transportation:
  • Consignment Number: Used for various modes of transportation, including road, rail, and sea.
  • AWB Number: Primarily used for air cargo shipments.
  1. Format:
  • Consignment Number: Alphanumeric code with 9 to 15 characters.
  • AWB Number: Numeric code with 11 digits.
  1. Scope of Use:
  • Consignment Number: Broadly used for shipments via different carriers and modes of transportation.
  • AWB Number: Specifically used for airfreight, acting as a receipt and contract for international shipments.

Understanding these distinctions can help you determine which type of number corresponds to your shipment and which tracking system to use for the most accurate information.


In the intricate web of logistics and shipment tracking, the Trackon consignment and AWB numbers serve as the guiding stars. They provide a unique identity to each package, allowing both senders and recipients to stay informed about the shipment’s progress. Knowing where to find these numbers, understanding their formats, and recognizing the differences between consignment and AWB numbers are essential for a seamless tracking experience. So, the next time you’re eagerly awaiting a package, armed with this knowledge, you can navigate the world of shipments with confidence and ease.

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